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 Getting your documents notarized or commissioned has never been easier or more convenient than with Sarnia  Mobile Notary by Aikman Notary Services!  I will come to your home, office, hospital room or any other location  that is convenient for you. 


  1. I will arrive at the location you specified within 10 minutes of our scheduled appointment time;

  2. Upon arrival, I will quickly review the document(s) and verify 1 piece of government issued photo ID from each person signing a document;

  3. I will administer any necessary oath, affirmation declaration (depending on the document type) 

  4. You will sign the document first and once fully executed, I will sign and complete the notarization of your document(s). 


 First document notarized or commissioned for $65 (within Sarnia, Brights Grove & Point Edward).  

 Additional documents $20 each 

 Printing: First page: first page $2.00 | Additional pages $0.25 ea

 Regular Mail: From $10.00 | Courier: From $40.00

 Locations outside Sarnia & Point Edward:  Corunna $15 | Courtright $20 | Mooretown $20 | Wilkesport $30 | Port  Lambton $40 | Sombra $35 | Petrolia $25 | Wyoming $20 | Forest $40 | Ipperwash & KP $55 | and more!


 While I am happy to print your document(s) for you, I am unable to assist with the creation, drafting or  completion of your document(s).  I am also unable to review and/or provide any advice with respect  to the content of your document(s).  

In order for an appointment to proceed, upon my arrival:

  • Your document MUST be UNSIGNED;

  • Everyone signing your document and whose signature needs to be verified by a Notary Public must be present at our appointment time and have 1 ORIGINAL piece of GOVERNMENT ISSUED PHOTO ID;

  • If you are requesting a Certified True / Notarial Copy of an original document, please also have the original document available during the appointment as well as a photo copy of your document; and

  • Any document that you need printed, should be e-mailed to at least 1 hour prior to our appointment.

 The fee for the first document to be notarized or commissioned, will be charged at the time of  booking and can be paid by credit card (or Visa/MC debt) with any additional services payable at the  conclusion of our appointment.  The fee paid in advance is refundable if you cancel your appointment  at least 1 hour prior to our appointment time, however it will not be refunded if cancelled with less  than 1 hour notice or I arrive for our appointment and you are not adequately prepared as per the  above.

 Questions?  Feel free to e-mail me OR text me at 519-381-4030 and I will usually  respond within 1-2 hours (if received prior to 7:00 PM.

Ready to schedule your appointment?

Sarnia Mobile Notary Public

Book your appointment quickly and easily online!

Check out our availability and book the date and time that works for you

Please use the below booking calendar to schedule your appointment quickly and easily ! 

Questions? Feel free to send me a message!

Text:    519-381-4030
If your message is received before 5:30 pm,
I will usually respond within 2-3 hours.
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